So anyway. I realized that with Jon gone, my knitting unabashedly takes over all available living room space:
Yeah. That's a couch under there. You can see, in these closeups, that the basket contains three projects: Odin's Granny Blanket, my needs-to-be-lined Brea Bag, and Jon's Space Invader's Hat. That colander is full of yarn for Mrs. Darcy, which is also that yellow blob on the couch.

In the bedroom you would find Nicky's norwegian mittens, Odin's socks, Doug's socks, and all sorts of notes for the felted sewn-together coffee sleeve I made Jill, the pattern for which I may write up one of these days... As soon as I get to knitting it again. By the bathtub you could find my giant notebook... With a real life knitting queue, and various notes on what I need for a project, whether I've started it, and what I have to finish before I'll let myself buy another one.
So, in light of things Jon would say if he were here (and because pretty soon we'll be married and I will just have to learn to compromise about living space), I'm not going to let myself buy any yarn whatsoever until everything that is currently on the needles is FINISHED. And I mean finished. Lined, Accessorized, Whole Shebang. Which does mean I'll have to buy purse handles and a coordinating button, but them's the brakes.
Nicky is coming to visit at the end of the month, and so I would like to have her mittens finished by then. They were supposed to be a Christmas/Yule gift, but I got lazy and decided to actually sleep as opposed to knitting relentlessly for several days straight, and hence they remain unfinished. I'm about half done with mitt number two, but have yet to do the thumb on the first mitt.
Also, I really want Mrs. Darcy to be finished asap.
And Odin's socks. Because he is very good about letting Mommy knit, and he deserves something grander than a bunny nugget. I'm still waiting for webs to send my US6 24" needle so I can make his sweater, so he needs some socks. They're my in-bed-at-night knit.
But those are the three biggies. Nicky's mitts I knit at work on my lunch break, but I'm gonna have to step that up a bit methinks. And unfortunately I should go clean the damn house... Not to mention try to fix my Amy March Slippers, which wound up way too big even though I measured AND I know what I'm doing. Ugh. Like two inches too big.
THAT'S ALL! I have to gooooo!
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