Actually, I wrote this last night:
Another night, another failure to force an internet connection.
Earlier it was working just fine, but I had nothing to do but waste time on librarything. Suddenly I realize "Oh yeah, I have to shop for the swap" and *poof* no internet.
Going to take a long bath and a long shower, and continue to not shave my legs. Jon's been gone three months now and I've shaved them ONCE. Who the fuck do I have to look pleasing for? Bah. Granted, I hate hairy legs and I think it's creepy, but it's, I dunno, some sort of testament to his departure or something for me.
Plus after he gets back I'll never have hairy legs again until we're dead, because he thinks it's even creepier than I do. !
so, yes. Bathtime and reading, then knitting and a moooooovie.
Pretty exciting. Let's see what book wins the bathtime reading tonight: Lady Chatterley's Lover, Gothic Reflections, Classical Palmistry, or Don Quixote. Bedtime these days I'm reading The Lord of the Rings (trilogy one-book set, but I've just started Fellowship again and am only a few chapters in) and still paging through the Encyclopedia of Serial Killers, though I think I'm gonna put that one down. I was getting a little excited about mass homicide and had begun searching for more and more exciting killers.
I guess too much of a good thing is just... too much. And it makes you crazy. :/
Gothic Reflections was the winner, though my tendency to read quickly (which works with fiction and satirical accounts of history rather well) fucks me up at a constant rate with books like this, books that are in essence textbooks and ought to be read accordingly. I find that I read several of the paragraphs over, but I will attribute that to the incredible hotness of the water (which makes me sleepy and nauseous but makes my skin feel and look so lovely afterward) and my sticky contacts. Damn these contacts!
Hard to decide what to knit tonight. Mess with underarm decreases on Mrs. Darcy? Doubly difficult do to rewriting the pattern and having never done a bottom-up sweater circularly? Maybe no. Maybe I ought to just work on Doreen's sock, which has reached the short-row heel (so easy. The pattern requires you to pick up something measly, like three stitches on either side. Three stitches! That's like zero gusset. <333333) and is a quick knit at that, in worsted on US5s. So, maybe. I also really want to re-knit Urchin, despite being out-of-season, on account of my beautiful one getting destructoed in the felting process. But that's what I get for saying "Hey, let's go to the playground while the laundry is in the washer". Blah! At least Odin made friends with a cute neighbor girl whose name eludes me currently... Meh
Odin is always making ladyfriends. He's decidedly the Alpha Male at school; When he gets there in the morning all the boys jump up from breakfast and take him by the arms andbring him into the classroom (not kidding). When I pick him up before his best friend's dad comes, said best friend gets so sad, and hugs Odin goodbye and tries to come home with us. When I pick him up normally, he's surrounded by a gaggle of small girls, all pulling at him and yelling for him to pay attention to them and so on and so forth, and I can tell that this one is going to be major trouble reeeeeeeal soon.
Real soon.
But I'm sitting here in my towel, with my hair wrapped up in this twenty-pound pile on my head (I bet my wet hair plus a towel is seriously the same weight as a gallon of milkat least), and it's getting my neck all pissed off, and I want to cut my bangs tonight, and it's almost ten, AND I don't want to be up too late, so I had better be done with this already, hahahahaaaaaa. Ok.
Here's the question of the day, something I intend to ponder restlessly for ages. Is it worth it to use my three hanks of gorgeous Arucania Copihue (bulky) on a sweater for a baby I don't have yet? Who I don't know will be female or not? Better served as... Mittens for moi perhaps? I don't knoooooooow. I love cables, but hate them with variegated yarn. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THIS AMAZING YARN!
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