Thanks to the utter destruction of my computer, posting has been slightly impossible lately... I suppose I could do it at work, but everybody gets really annoyed because I type pretty fast and I suppose that's, you know, frustrating or whatever. Fuckers.
I've been pretty bitter today thanks to getting the run-around from the fucking Health Department and from my employer-- who, I kid you not, shredded the hard copy record of my TB test and deleted the electronic copy. It's not like I had that test done just for fun! I work in food! They are legally required to keep that on file!!! So I had to have another test, and will be working the next two days before my results are in... Even though it's illegal.
It's not my fucking fault.
Not to mention I lost forty dollars today. LOST. It's gone. I don't even have useless junk I shouldn't have bought to show for it. I literally lost it.
On the plus side I got my swap package mailed, I got to hang out and play Mario3 with Ronald and Odin, and when I was crying becuase I lost that money, Odin hugged me, put on his Iron Man mask, and said "It's gonna be okay Mom. I'm gonna go get it back!" ...Priceless.
So tomorow I must awake an hour early so I can go to horrible OSHA training... Another splendid job requirement. Then another long, horrific day at CTRS, after my three-day weekend. Ugh. At least, at least it's only going to be a 4-day work week this way. At fucking least.
Though a lot of the hatred for my job has subsided now that I've decided I don't give a damn. I think I'm going to take the Jaye Tyler of Wonderfalls view of complete and utter laziness as a way of bypassing stress in its entirety.
Maybe I'm just uber-cynical today. I have been listening to a lot of A Perfect Circle.
But I digress. I should stop talking now and update the RSS feed at Ravelry like I keep meaning to do... I should reformat my blog a little bit so I actually enjoy looking at it...
I still have things to do before bed... Before my awful six am wake up alarm. Ugh. Just fucking Ugh.
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