
when i fell to earth

So, after deleting almost every post here, I think I'm finally pleased with things. You know how it goes. I've been making the most of this brief spurt of internet by emailing Jon a zillion porno shots.
Lame. But necessary.
And now I am going to go give Odin a bath and then I will knit a hat.
I think. It's yoga tonight, with the interwebs up, because I have a boner for Jason Crandell from Yoga Journal. Not like I think he's sexy or anything, because he's so calming and he's got a soothing voice that really makes me believe that if I just breathe slowly and balance myself I really can stand in downward dog for a million years and somehow manage to balance myself on my left arm afterward. And then I discover that I actually CAN, and I think in my brain, "I love you, Jason Crandell".
At least I'm pretty sure that's his name. Hahaha.

Let's not be liars, here. My kitchen is a fucking epic disaster. By "epic" I of course mean it begins in the middle and contains within it some standard archetypes. Or fucking not, seriously guys, come on.
It is really messy though, no kidding there. omgs. Yeah, I'm not gonna clean it tonight though. Maybe tomorrow. Fucking whatever. It'll get done. I need to buy myself some classy pink rubber gloves, because my nails are getting DESTROYED from washing dishes. It's amusing to me that I've deleted as many "fucking"s as I actually let remain in this paragraph, which I guess goes to show that I NEED A FUCKING DISHWASHER.

Yeah. Enough of that.

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