Today we went to Ronald's and I knit on Mrs. Darcy, which will NEVER ever end. Though I am painfully close to the armhole decreases, and that's good news! Yay! I knit the front pieces and back together as one, so at least I don't have to knit the same. thing. over. again. I plan on doing the sleeves 2 at a time so I don't run into that problem there either. Always try to avoid things that make a project lag... Especially when you're me and you have twelve knitting projects, two design projects, and several jewelry and baking efforts going all at the same time you are trying to set aside an hour to work out every day and raise a small boy by yourself. Oh yeah, and you don't have a car, so make sure you add travel time :|
Oh well. It gets done though.
Tonight I stole some daffodils from down the street. Technically it's okay, they were growing on a random rock pile. It's not like I cut the ones growing in my development or anything. And they look nice on my table. They need a new home, but that's because my bedroom needs rearranged, and I should probably get on that. It seems fairly likely that I'm gonna do that tonight, but I guess we'll wait and see how things go.
Jon finally emailed me pictures! They are taking forever and two days to download... But that's better than no pics at all :)
I'm so excited.
I also took pictures of my chili making yesterday so I can post that recipe too... I'd love to post my breakfast cookies recipe, but my oven has gone schizophrenic on me and I'm gonna have to talk to the landlord about things.
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