So. I just scanned and printed the images I want to use for my next few tattoos, and now I just have to edit them a bit, re-draw some stuff, re-scan and print, and meet with the artist.
I am pretty excited. When the images are ready I will post them... Yay. Some bees, a spectre, and some symbols. All very awesome stuff.
Anyway. It's really really nice out today, and all the windows are open, and the kitchen is a disaster, and I want to take a shower, but I want to finish this other bootie way more than any of that.
I knit one of Saartje's Bootees last night while working on the last tape of Twin Peaks. Which I love. Which I will be discarding when I am finished with it, because it's one of those things I watch once and am done with. Like The Sopranos. Which I loved, but I watched the first three seasons, and though I'd like to watch more I don't want to watch any of those episodes again. Maybe I'll save them and try to yard-sale them, or maybe I'll post on Facebook and Ravelry and see if anybody would like them. It's hard to find somebody who wants VHS tapes for any reason. I'm working on filing the last of mine out, replacing them with burnt DVDs collected from various people. I need to go through all the movies again soon because I think there's at least a dozen duplicates in the collection. Which is vast. :)
Anyway, I'm off to knit and to take care of some things, and to do some inter-stalking, because the ADHD Springtime Swap has begunnnnnn and I am very excited. I can't make purchases until Tuesday (thanks, paycheck, for coming later than I want you yet again), but I can certainly find something awesome in the meantime!!!
And I THINK I know what it's gonna be.
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