
decide to walk with me

I knit myself a tiny and adorable girly sort of hat that sits perched on the very back of my head. Though it seems in constant danger of falling off my head, it's not going to: The wool is wispy and wonderful and thick and chunky at the same time, and it attaches itself to my hair and the sheer weight of the hat provides the force to keep it on.
It's been a good hat day for me.
A good lipstick day too. When I can wear a regular tube lipstick  (not a stain or anything, just plain lipstick) through dinner and goodnight kisses for Odin and a bath so hot my skin almost came off... Well, that's good fucking lipstick.
I think I need to go now and watch a movie, and knit a fish hat for Odin's "crazy hat" spirit day at school, and mock someone or something.
Oh, and have a cup of tea, and a kiwi, thanks.

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