
i like that, do you know i do?

A calmish weekend day. Delicious coffee, excellent rainy gloomy day, Horus is acting a wild-bird for a change, running around in his freshly cleaned cage. I'm simultaneously working on spiffing up my Ravelry page, my Facebook photos (Odin lives two states away from most of his family, and Jon could use some updating too), etc and cleaning up the house. Things need some reorganization. I have noooooo wiggle room in here and it's making me crazy. I know I can find a better arrangement than the one we've got right now. I just know it.
I haven't done a lot of wedding stuff lately, but I have been figuring things out. I don't want to make any set-in-stone decisions right now, since it is so far away, but as I see things I'm planning and buying... I wish the venue would call me back; I really want to have the wedding there.
I should work on my wedding site too one of these days... Ugh.
So anyway, off I go to do some random stuff. And knit. Mrs. Darcy is going to be awesome, and hopefully a little baggy, which is what I'm going for: A looseish, but fitted at the boobs sort of loooong sleeved cardigan. With purple buttons.

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