My tummy is feeling funky today :( This incredible miso broth is really working well for it though. Anybody who likes chicken broth for an upset tummy should wake up and smell the miso: This stuff isn't greasy and salty, and won't aggravate other conditions that tend to coincide with tummy-upsets (like my on-again-off-again touchy gallbladder). Too bad they don't sell Vernors down here, because that fixes me up in an instant.
I should really look into having some sent to me. Not a lot, just like, I dunno... A case or two a month? Lol...
Anyway. I'm working on a massive Ravelry overhaul right now. Organzied projects. Labelling with tags, sorting into sets. Taking nicer pictures. Removing my frogged projects from the projects page (it's getting crowded in there kinda)... Trying to decide if it's a better idea to take pics now or to wait for the daylight... I think I'm gonna wait for daytime.
It's been raining for two days straight. Hopefully it abates a little so I can get some nice shots on the brick of the patio. We'll see I suppose.
Yeah, after spending half an hour pointlessly meandering around Ravelry, I think I should just knit tonight. And my tummy is PISSED. OFF.
I'm letting Odin stay up late and watch movies with me.
I feel like I'm gonna puke.
Ugh, ugh, ugh. I need my couch and some pop and maybe the bubblies will help.
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