
elegant cars

Yeeeeeah, so I just blew $70 at KnitPicks. Yum, sock yarn. Gonna knit socks this winter? And sweaters, yes thanks.
I was going to get some acid dyes, but I realized that the colors I want to be dyeing are all in my cupboard right now in Wilton's form. And I'm already used to dyeing with Wilton's. And I won't have a pot to sacrifice to dye-only status until after we get some new ones =]
Holy sock yarn though. I think I got 6 hanks. Yayyyy.
I have to work obscenely soon. I need to leave here in 15 minutes and it's not such an awesome thing, but whatever.
At least it's Tuesday,
Tuesday is my Wednesday,
which is funny
because it's also Wednesday, only not for me.
It's stupidly confusing.
I am going to remember to bring some knitting to work today. I neeeeeeeeeed to knit some things. I need to felt my slippers some more. I need to do so damn many things.
Kasey came over yesterday with Jonathan, and Jonathan watched Firefly and Kasey and I made a duct-tape dress-dummy of my torso for sweater fittings. Sad part was when we ran out of tape and had to go back to WalMart, with me in a half duct tape shirt.
So anyway. I'm pretty excited about my incoming yarns. I got some really great orange sock yarn; I am going to make really great orange socks. And PINK. I am trying so hard to step out of my usual color schemes.
And I bought some cheap-ass Caron at WalMart today so I can make a viking hat for Kasey's baby. He really really needs to have one. And I will have enough left over to make Odin a new viking hat, one with horns that really stand up...

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