

It's Halloweeeeeeen.
I woke up with a headache, having misplaced my most important knitting project, with no milk in the house for my coffee. I am cranky and in need of a shower and some yoga and some warmth; my house is frigid. Though I do love the cold, but right now I wish I were warm and snuggly.
I won't be turning on the heat, though. That's for surrrrre.
I have a lot of stuff to do, so I guess I should really get on that. It's 8am, and I've been having a seasonal house-cleaning.
I bought special pink rubber gloves for this purpose. I'm also pre-emptively packing the house as we'll be leaving here really soon.
I'd like to move out over the Christmas holiday, after Yule so I can pack up my altar for a month or so without *absolutely* dying and while everybody is busy doing family crap and will leave me the hell alone so I can get stuff accomplished lol. =]
Also, post knitting rush.
Litt opened an etsy store and invited me to submit knitted goods.
I really should get on this. Because then when I open mine I've got two friends with shops already, and Kel full of make-your-business-work tips.
Housewifery is happening soooon. And speaking of housewifery, I am experimenting in doily decoration:
There are two there. I starched the fuck out of them and had considered using them in table settings (under my plates), but then I realized that Jon will destroy them, hahaaa. Now they're candle mats (because I keep getting wax EVERYWHERE) and they're lovely. They are also caressing my African Violet. =]
I've been cleaning out my studio (kitchen), setting aside only things I'm working on for the next few months. My stash is going deep-storage. :(
It has to, though, I don't want to have to worry about sorting this all out laters. There is a lotttttt of stuff piling up in the spare room, so I guess I'll have to get some boxes? Carrying home boxes from work does NOT sound like fun, but one or two a day shouldn't be so bad. And between now and December I'd surely get plenty of them, in theory. Yeah. Gotta get boxes.
Gotta get packing! I need to clean the porch off too, all those chalk runes on the brick are gonna take forEVER to get off hahahaa :)

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