
night sky

I took a random trip through some sketchbooks this afternoon... Almost all of the sketches in there are things that were never knit =]
Ahh.... I suck ♥
I did find the initial drawing of my cabled doom-cozy
Which is pretty exciting. At least, seeing that I actually completed something that originated in my brain is comforting to me; So much of what I envision fizzles in the back of my mind before it becomes real. Basically everything else in the book was forgotten, and the rest I have inadequate yarns for. Unless I spin some bulky with my Suitcase of Roving. ♥  I'm working on forcing Acrobat to let me make some pdfs. Nothing special, just things that I've made from my head that I'd like to write down. It's being sooo difficult though. Maybe it's a sign? I dunno.

This month::
I taught three people to knit and one to crochet.
I have decided to move out of my apartment and have recruited a bunch of vehicles for assistance.
I turned 26.
I got crazy in the midst of two-thousand projects and started test knitting a cowl.
I got a ton of vintage yarn at a church rummage sale.
So, yeah.

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